Mannington Estate hosts varied events throughout the year…
…with drama, vintage, music and family themes. The Stable Gallery has a programme of curated exhibitions with art and craft. An educational programme for schools and nature club for children are run by qualified Countryside staff. There may be discounts available for group bookings.
Nature Day
Nature day with activities 10-2 (suitable for children 6-12 ) Must be pre booked (£15.00 )
Children's Nature Day
Suitable for a range of age groups but under 8s to be accompanied by an adult.
Bring a packed lunch or purchase refreshments from Tearooms.
We have lots of fun activities planned to range from exploring a stream, pond dipping, bug hunts, nature detective with owl pellet dissecting and track plaster casts, wildflower walks, foraging and crafts.
£15.00 per child - carers free
Each session dependent on weather and interest and age range of group.
01263 584175/email admin@walpoleestate.co.uk to pay or seek information.
Children's Nature Day
Suitable for a range of age groups but under 8s to be accompanied by an adult.
Bring a packed lunch or purchase refreshments from Tearooms.
We have lots of fun activities planned to range from exploring a stream, pond dipping, bug hunts, nature detective with owl pellet dissecting and track plaster casts, wildflower walks, foraging and crafts.
£15.00 per child - carers free
Each session dependent on weather and interest and age range of group.
01263 584175/email admin@walpoleestate.co.uk to pay or seek information.
Children's Nature Day
Suitable for a range of age groups but under 8s to be accompanied by an adult.
Bring a packed lunch or purchase refreshments from Tearooms.
We have lots of fun activities planned to range from exploring a stream, pond dipping, bug hunts, nature detective with owl pellet dissecting and track plaster casts, wildflower walks, foraging and crafts.
£15.00 per child - carers free
Each session dependent on weather and interest and age range of group.
01263 584175/email admin@walpoleestate.co.uk to pay or seek information.
Children's Nature Day
Suitable for a range of age groups but under 8s to be accompanied by an adult.
Bring a packed lunch or purchase refreshments from Tearooms.
We have lots of fun activities planned to range from exploring a stream, pond dipping, bug hunts, nature detective with owl pellet dissecting and track plaster casts, wildflower walks, foraging and crafts.
£15.00 per child - carers free
Each session dependent on weather and interest and age range of group.
01263 584175/email admin@walpoleestate.co.uk to pay or seek information.
Sheringham Little Theatre weekend
12th Lee Vasey Band
13th Opera Anywhere - Gilbert and Sullivan HMS Pinafore
14th Family Activities
Wild About Mannington Day
Wild About Mannington Day with bioblitz 10-4pm.
£10 adults/ free for children under 16

Supper Club with Walpole’s Kitchen - Norfolk Theme
Chef Grace takes you on a culinary adventure using local ingredients and recipes.
Tickets £85pp.

Dog Day
Dog Day with the Long and Short of it: Dog Rescue 10-5pm, £5.00
Fun dog shows, canine expert talks, animal charity stalls local doggy businesses, street food raffle & lots more!
A fun day out for all the family!
Gardens open for National Gardens Scheme
Gardens open 11-4.30 for National Gardens Scheme Adult £8. Children under 16 free, Tearooms open with refreshments all day